The sponsors of the UK Regenerative Medicine Platform (UKRMP) are hosting a UKRMP2/Immunology residential facilitated workshop at Hornton Grange, 53 Edgbaston Park Rd, Birmingham, B15 2RS on 2 & 3 July 2018.
The Hay laboratory (UKMRP1 Niche Hub) has developed a renewable source of human liver tissue for translational medicine – in vitro derived tissue for cell based modelling ‘in a dish’ and for developing cell based therapies for human liver disease.
One of the main stumbling blocks in regenerative medicine is the inefficient delivery of targeted therapies. Dr James Dixon (UKRMP1 Acellular Technologies Hub), has developed a highly efficient system using small proteins that target the cell’s sugar coating (heparan sulphate).
As a follow up to our workshop in Bar Harbor (Oct 2016), PSCP had the pleasuer of hosting and international delegation to discuss the “Significance of Genetic Variants for the use of Pluripotent Stem Cells in Regenerative Medicine” in Sheffield UK in October 2017.
Received for promoting interdisciplinary team science across the regenerative medicine community, key to the ethos of the UKRMP, this award recognised Zoe’s proactive and creative research leadership, making the most of developing and implementing new methods and opportunities.