After graduating from the University of Liverpool with a BSc in Pharmacology in 2007 I moved to the University Birmingham and completed an MSc in Toxicology. I subsequently returned to the University of Liverpool where I obtained an MRes in Drug Safety in 2009 followed by a PhD in 2013. My thesis was entitled “Molecular Biomarkers and Regulators of Susceptibility to Drug-Induced Kidney Injury” and was supervised by Professor Park and Dr Daniel Antoine and focussed largely on the use of miRNAs as potential biomarkers of kidney injury.

In January 2014 I joined the UKRMP Safety hub as a post-doctorate research associate under the supervision of Dr Murray and Dr Wilm. My current research interests focus largely on in vivo models of kidney injury, biomarker analysis and novel imaging modalities to track labelled cells. I also have an interest in macrophage health post labelling with SPIONS.


Sharkey JW, Antoine DJ, Park BK (2012). Validation of the isolation and quantification of kidney enriched miRNAs for use as biomarkers. Biomarkers 17(3): 231-239.

Sharkey JW, Antoine DJ, Park BK (2011). Validation of methods involving miRNA isolation, purification and quantification and the potential of miRNAs to be used as biomarkers of nephrotoxicity. Toxicology, Volume 290, Issues 2–3, 18, Pages 136-137

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