m_barrowI gained my masters degree in chemistry (MChem) in 2008 and PhD in 2013, both from the University of Liverpool. My PhD was supervised by Dr Haifei Zhang and focussed on the development of a new directional freezing and frozen UV polymerisation method to make aligned porous polymeric scaffolds. During this time, I gained experience of polymer and materials chemistry with a particular interest in porous and compostite materials for tissue engineering, separation science and  electrical conductivity.

In 2013 I took up a postdoctoral research position under the supervision of Dave Adams and Matt Rosseinsky, developing novel polymer coated superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles as part of the UKRMP Saftey and Efficacy Hub. The specific goal is to develop nanoprobes that can be used to monitor transplanted cells, whilst limiting cytotoxicity.


(1) Barrow, M.; Eltmimi, A.; Ahmed, A.; Myers, P.; Zhang, H. Journal of Materials Chemistry 2012, 22, 11615. “Frozen polymerization for aligned porous structures with enhanced mechanical stability, conductivity, and as stationary phase for HPLC”

(2) Barrow, M.; Zhang, H. Soft Matter 2013, 9, 2723. “Aligned porous stimuli-responsive hydrogels via directional freezing and frozen UV initiated polymerization”

(3) Ahmed, A.; Hodgson, N.; Barrow, M.; Clowes, R.; Robertson, C. M.; Steiner, A.; McKeown, P.; Bradshaw, D.; Myers, P.; Zhang, H. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2014, 2, 9085-9090. “Macroporous metal–organic framework microparticles with improved liquid phase separation”

(4) M. Barrow, A. Taylor, D. J. Nieves, L. K. Bogart, P. Mandal, C. M. Collins, L. R. Moore, J. J. Chalmers, R. Levy, S. R. Williams, P. Murray, M. J. Rosseinsky and D. J. Adams, Biomaterials Science, 2015, 3, 608-616. Tailoring the surface charge of dextran-based polymer coated SPIONs for modulated stem cell uptake and MRI contrast”

(5) T Ratvijitvech, M Barrow, A Cooper, D.J Adams, Polymer Chemistry, 2015, “The effect of molecular weight on the porosity of hypercrosslinked polystyrene”

(6) M. Barrow, A. Taylor, P. Murray, M. J. Rosseinsky and D. J. Adams, Chemical Society Reviews, 2015. “Design considerations for the synthesis of polymer coated iron oxide nanoparticles for stem cell labelling and tracking using MRI”

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