
EPSRC Healthcare Technologies Grand Challenges

April 11, 2014

EPRSC’s Healthcare Technologies Theme invites the UK’s research and user communities to help developing a number of Grand Challenges to inform the future strategy and direction of the Theme.

The views of researchers from all disciplines and career stages, as well as clinicians, industry and other relevant stakeholder groups are invited.

Web surveys to collect feedback on our initial list of ten Grand Challenges have been launched on the EPSRC website.  The surveys will be open until 9th June 2014 and more information can be found  at the following link:  EPSRC Healthcare Technologies Grand Challenges.


It is hoped that these Grand Challenges will:

  • Bring the UK’s leading researchers together to develop the next disruptive or transformative healthcare technologies and systems;
  • Lead to world leading discoveries in engineering, physical, computational and mathematical sciences;
  • Enable the UK’s national capability to be used to best advantage;
  • Provide a focus for interdisciplinary and international collaboration.


The initial ten Grand Challenges on which input is being gathered are:

  • Data analytics and digital infrastructure for healthcare;
  • Enabling technologies for regenerative medicine;
  • Engineering healthy behaviours;
  • Functional enhancement for safe and independent living;
  • Infection prevention and control;
  • Patient specific treatment;
  • Prediction and early diagnosis;
  • Smart surgeries and therapies;
  • Systems to support and improve healthcare provision;
  • Understanding and interventions in neurological function.

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